Reserve yourself an ANTIGUA FLY FISHING adventure TODAY!
Reserve yourself an ANTIGUA FLY FISHING adventure TODAY!
Booking with Antigua Fly Fishing Charters ensures you are guided by THE most experienced full time fly fishing guide in Antigua….
- but also by one of the most enthusiastic teachers of fly fishing on the planet, with deep insights on fly casting and in ‘game theory’.
I am ready - and willing - to make you the fly fisherman you always dreamed of!!
“Captain Nick” WillIams has been fishing for nearly 40 years...
He began his angling career in the UK - coarse fishing in the tiny stream at the bottom of his garden for chub...
(The first time literally was a cane string and bent nail with a worm on!)
He fell upon fly fishing in order to capture a particularly wily brown trout.
This discovery together with his passion for nature, water and the great outdoors has led him to Antigua - the place he has called home for the past 26 years.
Nick is mad about all fishing.
But above all he is crazy about the pursuit of Permit on the fly... and just loves the challenge of stalking these fish on foot wading with a fly rod - close to his home.
“They are incredibly wary fish in very dynamic water - so it ain’t easy - but I absolutely love that they force you to be your best in everything you do.
If you want to hold the Grail of flats fishing - it‘s to be expected I think!”
Ever since his arrival in Antigua as a yacht captain in 1998... Nick’s keen eyes - which had been useful for spotting reefs.... were soon also spotting large shapes moving in the shallows.
“All the BIG 4 of the flats species were present - so I set about just getting at them.
At first on my own 2 feet - winning my first saltwater gear in a bet!!!
Several years spent float tubing for tarpon in lagoons then inspired me to build a 2 man inflatable micro skiff.
That was the real turning point.... as far as sight fishing was concerned.”
Teaching himself a system of casting that would stand up to Antigua’s ‘often breezy‘ conditions....
Nick has helped hundreds of anglers to begin to finally achieve their true casting potential.
“If you can do it here in Antigua - you can pretty much fly fish in saltwater ANYWHERE...”
When I cannot be guiding - I love just being at home - with my wife Karoll (who also happens to be a great improvisional chef!), our dogs Maui and Misty, Bella, Doodles and Foxy + Piskie and Lotus the cats.
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